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Allegiance:  Maximal
Function:Elite Warfare Unit
Alt modes: Robot mode
Swamp boat
Jet fighter
"Vampire Octopus"
Radar base
Continuum:Beast Machines
Motto:"Thru the chaos of war, peace will emerge."
Weapons:Trident / rifle, gatling cannon / torpedo launcher,
and various other weapons in other modes
Drawings coming soon!
Tech Specs
Intelligence  9.1
BIOGRAPHY | JUMP to Drawings (below) updated 25-Sep-00

Octahedron, like his sister Octal, was born at a Maximal science outpost on an oceanic planet known as Deluvia. Of greater than average size and strength, he eventually was recruited by the Maximals as a Defender. Truly a Champion of Cybertron, his exploits in battle is known throughout several systems.

Originally a "triple changer" Octahedron could transform into a Deluvian cephalopod and could assume the form of a "Spike Bloom". When Octahedron's DNA scan found the cephalopod, the scanner also copied the DNA of the Bloom present in the cephalopod. Evidently, the cephalopod was stung by the Bloom but grew a resistance to the plant's poison. The Spike Bloom is an undersea flower that bristled with spikes. Mostly a defensive, shy creature, the spikes kept predators at bay. However, in more desperate situations, the spikes of the bloom can launch and inject poison at short distances.

After intense Maximal militia training, it became evident to the Maximal Military that Octahedron posessed adaptation skills and resourcefulness beyond that of normal troops. He could be given numerous forms and would be able to decide which form was most tactically suited for the situation at hand. He was given an additional three battle forms for various terrains. A jet fighter for aerial combat, a tank mode for ground assault, and a swamp boat for amphibious assault.

Recruited for EarthSphere activity, it was necessary to mask his identity from the opposition forces on Terra.

Vampyroteuthis Infernalis Therefore, Maximal engineers revamped his animal form to that of a ferocious earthen cephalopod the "Vampire Octopus" (Vampyroteuthis Infernalis). Additionally, they gave him a bat mode to shroud his form and act as a spy. At the end of the earth campaign, he was also given a communication role, he could transorm to become a powerful interspacial commlink array.

Physically and mentally versatile, he can handle all these modes and maximize efficient use of each form. Can also effectively utilize the terrain and objects around him -- turn them to his advantage against enemies. Very deadly in urban combat since a cityscape is so chaotic and there is such a wide variety of "things" that can be turned into melee weapons. Octahedron can be the most resourceful in this kind of environment.

With these eight forms, he is a one-robot wrecking crew. He can run circles around most opponents and dispatch them while transforming from mode to mode. A fast mover and fast thinker. He is not affraid of front-line combat. One of the first to breach enemy ranks. He loves to wreck havok behind enemy lines. "He has the envious ability to really 'get up in their faces'"! A Maximal General stated. One foe was quoted in a panic, "It's like fighting eight Maximals at once!"

After winning many battles and participating in hosts of engagements, he earned the right to choose his own post. Today, he has returned to Deluvia to be it's Maximal Defender.

Has a strong sense of honor and duty. Even with his accomplishments, it's never gotten to his head, the versatility has never touched his rock-hard sense of commitment to Maximal principles.

technical observation of Deluvia He is adored as a hero and children look up to him. But as a respected figure, he can't always allow himself the luxury of close personal relationships. Too much emotional attachment to those he defends can compromise his objectivity, his fairness. He limits his contacts to a professional distance. As a Maximal soldier he does have comrades in arms that he keeps in contact with. He also serves in a limited role as a Maximal dignitary when a military presence seems appropriate. In all these contacts, there is nothing more valuable to him than family.

The people of Deluvia were only a small reason why he wanted to return. He values the wisdom of his father and the guidance of his mother. He enjoys the orchestral harmonies of his little sister, Octavia. Some say his travels away from Deluvia are merely excuses to catch a small hint of Octal's latest adventures. While Octahedron will often chide his sister's "lack of roots" and "weak sense of family" inwardly, he is happy for her as she chases her dreams.

Octal is always mindful to find a trinket or item that would be of some significance to Octahedron in case she needs to re-affirm that family bond to him. "Octahedron can be overbearing at times," Octal would sigh, "but he always wants me closer to home; and there's no faulting him for that." She is very proud of Octahedron's accomplishments.

Prototype sketches
25-Sep-00 Octahedron's weapons

Sketches of Octahedron's primary weapon systems. I drew up his trident/rifle and torpedo launcher/gatling gun.

22-Sep-00 Maximal "Octahedron" sketches

Sketch of his jet mode.
Who knows, I may go with it if I don't come up with anything else.

jet mode sketch
Maximal - OCTAHEDRON -
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Pencil artwork done by Markatron! Misc graphics are public domain from the 'net
©2000 Markatron